Building Safety Legislation

Legal responsibility for Building Safety has been clearly identified with the creation of the Accountable Person (AP) in law.

Where more than one AP is present within the building, a formula can be followed to identify the Principal Accountable Person (PAP).

  • Building registration
  • Safety case
  • Golden thread
  • Building assessment
  • Resident engagement
  • Mandatory occurrence reporting

The new regulatory regime is risk-based as opposed to the existing rules-based regimes. This means that the new regime is designed to avoid box ticking and sets continuous review and management of risk as a behaviour.

  • Risk assessment
  • Creation and maintenance of a safety case
  • Storage of information digitally
  • Sharing of prescribed information with stakeholders
  • Continuous risk management review based on mandatory occurrence reports, complaints and other notifications.

Residents are now legally recognised as stakeholders in the management of building safety.

New duties are placed on both building managers and residents to engage in and support continuous safety improvement.

Residents are now legally compelled to behave in a way that does not undermine building safety and to comply with appropriate safety-related directions from the building management.

Building Safety Legislation
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